Tuesday, June 28, 2011

kids, kids, and more kids

Greetings from Uganda!  After 22 hours of travel, being side roomed going through security in Chicago, almost missing my flight in Turkey and losing my bag in Uganda, I am finally here!  Being here is like a breath of fresh air.  Everything is so simple, the people are so genuine and friendly, and the kids are beyond amazing.  Last night (or I should say earlier this morning) I was picked up by Ruth and her fiance Daniel at the airport.  I can not tell you what a relief it was to see "Jenny, USA" on the sign they were holding for me!  From there we made the hour and a half drive around the outskirts of Kampala and Lake Victoria and strangely enough spent the whole car ride listening to Rihanna and Christina Agulara.  It was difficult to gain an understanding of my surroundings through the dark but I loved simply looking at the homes we were passing on either side and seeing the twinkle of street lights and homes through the rolling hills that surrounded us.

This morning I awoke just before noon as the first group of children began coming back from their preschool, Little Stars.  This children here are so wonderful.  Each of them have such big personalities and love to be held and cuddled.  I spent most of the day playing with the kids and getting to know some of the staff as tomorrow is our first "official" day of volunteering.  Around 3 o'clock we experienced a thunderstorm like nothing I have ever seen!  The rain came flooding down from the sky and sounded more like stones on the tin roof of the volunteer dorms and children's home.  Everything was completely flooded and then, within an hour, the sun was out, the heat was back, and all that was wet was made dry again.  Soon after, another volunteer named Francesca arrived after her flight from the UK.  She is a really sweet girl and it is very reassuring to have someone else around who is just as unsure and new to this as I am.  The rest of the evening was spent playing with the kids and doing Bible study which I will most likely begin teaching tomorrow night.

Being here has truly been wonderful.  It has only been a day but I have already learned so much in the few short conversations I have had with the director, Ruth, and other staff members and I know that God still has so much to teach me.  Thank you again for all of your prayers.  My flights here went off without a hitch and I actually kind of enjoyed them (crazy huh :) ).  My internet access will be much more frequent than I thought so I should be able to write 2 or 3 times a week.  For now, know that I am safe and already feel so comfortable here.  The people are loving and hospitable and truly want to take care of us -- even though we came all this way to take care of them.

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer and that God is pouring out His endless blessings into your life.  Love to you all!


  1. Jennay! I'm so happy to hear you are safe and sound in your final destination :) I'm so excited for you, keep blogging so I can keep up with you! So it sounds like you are not actually within Kampala, will that make postage difficult to pick up if I send you the scarf?

  2. Hi Daughter,

    It was so good to hear you voice after your long journey to the other side of the world. You are in my thoughts and prayers all day as I am so proud of you knowing that God will use you in amazing ways as you are so full of his love and joy.

    Love you and am so proud of you..... Your Father!!!!
